Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" 2023-12-31T03:19:05+00:00 admin Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Mahasiswa Enviro merupakan<em>&nbsp;e-journal&nbsp;</em>yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan S-1 ITN Malang untuk menyebarluaskan informasi hasil - hasil penelitian dan pemikiran mahasiswa dalam bidang Teknik Lingkungan yang bermanfaat bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi lingkungan dalam upaya mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Bidang keilmuan Teknik Lingkungan fokus pada Sub Bidang Desain, Metode Teknis Pengolahan, Sistem Pengelolaan dan Kebijakan Pemerintah di Bidang Air Bersih, Limbah Padat, Limbah Cair dan Konservasi Lingkungan</p> <p>Jurnal Mahasiswa Enviro diterbitkan secara berkala yaitu dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember.</p> <p>Semua makalah yang diterbitkan sudah melalui seleksi oleh editor jurnal.</p> PEMBUATAN KOMPOS DARI SLUDGE IPAL INDUSTRI SUSU DENGAN BIOAKTIVATOR ORGADEC 2023-12-31T01:43:44+00:00 Cahya Lingga Lingga CAHYALINGGA21@GMAIL.COM Herry Setyobudiarso Sudiro <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The dairy industry produces a lot of waste that is still not treated properly, such as sludge from wastewater treatment plants. This waste is very easy to decompose, if it is not immediately recycled it will endanger the environment around the factory. Sludge waste that is left in the open without further treatment can cause unpleasant odors and if carried into the river will increase the level of pollutants in the water.</em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this research is to make compost made from sludge from wastewater treatment plants for the dairy industry with the addition of goat manure, vegetabel organic waste and orgadec bioactivator in 7 variations with the composting process for 4 weeks then</em><em> the results of the C/N ratio are compared with the SNI 19-7030-2004 quality standards</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>The result obtained showed that the mixture of milk sludge, goat manure, and vegetabel organic waste for the C/N ratio levels obtained the results of Variation A 0.81, Variation B 2.71, Variation C 2.71, Variation D 3.21, Variation E 3.07, Variation F 13.39, Variation G 13.30. These result indicate that the compost with variations of F and G meets the quality standards of SNI 19-7030-2004 for a C/N ratio of 10-20.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Orgadec Bioactivator, Compost, Goat Manure, Vegetabel Waste, Milk Sludge<strong>. </strong></em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" SISTEM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DI PASAR BAKROTO KECAMATAN AMPELGADING DENGAN MEMPERTIMBANGKAN EMISI 2023-12-31T01:44:03+00:00 Dewi Ayu Ningsih Hardianto Anis Artiyani <p>Market waste has an different characteristics from residential waste. Waste management activities in the market should be a serious concern. The purpose of this research is to analyze the waste residue, waste generation, waste composition, market waste management system and emissions produced daily. The method used in this research is descriptive method and measures the unit of waste generation and the composition of waste produced by each merchant's stall. Based on the calculation of waste generation using the load-count analysis method, the amount of waste generation that will be accommodated every day is 2,299 kg / day. The results of the composition of waste there is a quantity of waste composition analyzed, namely food scraps, garden waste and plastic. Physical characteristics of market waste an average of 230 kg / m3. The recovery factor value of the waste composition of 100% with an average generation<br>weight of 229.37 kg / day, total weight recovery factor of 231.63 kg / day and total residue of 12.21 kg /day. The estimated fuel required by trucks per day is 5 L for 1 truck. CH4 emissions from trucks are 51.974 kg / day and N2O emissions from trucks are 8,195.9 kg / day.</p> 2023-12-12T07:42:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR RUMAH POTONG AYAM DENGAN METODE FREE WATER SURFACE MENGGUNAKAN KAYU APU (PISTIA STRATIOTES L.) SEBAGAI MEDIA FITOREMEDIASI 2023-12-31T02:49:16+00:00 Yohana Febrianti Damuk Sudiro Candra Dwiratna Wulandari <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Rumah Pemotongan Ayam (RPA) merupakan salah satu industri perternakan yang mengelola pemotongan ayam hidup dan mengolah menjadi daging bertulang (karkas) ayam siap konsumsi. Limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh RPA bersifat organik berasal dari air bekas cucian ayam, darah ayam, dan sludge (endapan lemak) sehingga memiliki BOD <em>(Biological Oxygen Demand</em>), COD (<em>Chemical Oxygen Demand</em>), TSS (<em>Total Suspended Solids</em>), minyak dan lemak yang tinggi..Dalam mengolah limbah rumah pemotongan ayam yang mengandung parameter pencemar TSS <em>(Total Suspended Solids</em>), COD (<em>Chemical Oxygen Demand</em>) dapat dilakukan dengan metode fitoremediasi. Kayu apu (<em>Pistia stratiotes L</em>.) adalah salah satu tumbuhan fitoremediator yaitu tumbuhan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengolah limbah, baik itu berupa logam berat, zat organik maupun anorganik.&nbsp; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi <em>removal </em>COD dan TSS dan mengetahui variasi yang efektif dalam menurunkan konsentrasi COD dan TSS pada limbah cair rumah potong ayam (RPA) dengan reaktor sistem <em>batch</em> dengan metode <em>Free Water Surface </em>(FWS) dengan menggunakan tanaman Kayu Apu (<em>Pistia stratiotes L.). </em>Variasi yang digunakan adalah variasi jumlah tanaman dan waktu detensi, dengan variasi jumlah tanaman, antara lain 8 tanaman, 14 tanaman, 20 tanaman, dan variasi waktu detensi, antara lan 5 hari, 10 hari dan 15 hari. Reaktor yang digunakan berukuran 40 cm x 30 cm x 25 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi removal COD dan TSS&nbsp; terbesar pada limbah cair RPA dengan menggunakan tanaman Kayu Apu (<em>Pistia stratiotes L.), </em>antara lain 80,95% pada variasi waktu detensi 15 hari dengan jumlah 20 tanaman dan 82,46% dengan variasi waktu detensi 15 hari dengan jumlah 20 tanaman.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Fitoremediasi, Kayu Apu, Limbah RPA.</p> 2023-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" SISTEM DISTRIBUSI SPAM GIRI I PERUMDA GIRI TIRTA KABUPATEN GRESIK 2023-12-31T03:14:02+00:00 Dany Kharisma putri Sudiro Anis Artiyani <p><span class="fontstyle0">Kabupaten Gresik memiliki target nasional 80% masyarakatnya terpenuhi air<br>bersih memerlukan pelayanan distribusi yang mewadahi. Zona pelayanan Perumda Giri Tirta<br>Kabupaten Gresik terbagi menjadi 3 zona, yaitu zona pelayanan Gresik Kota, Gresik Tengah<br>dan Gresik Selatan. Salah satunya yaitu Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) Giri I yang<br>berlokasi di Jalan Awikoen Tirta dimana, Sumber air baku SPAM Giri I berasal dari SPAM<br>Regional Umbulan. Kerja Praktek ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan mengetahui sistem<br>distribusi Spam Giri I di Perumda Giri Tirta serta memperoleh pengalaman dibidang Teknik<br>Lingkungan khususnya mengetahui sistem distribusi Spam Giri I dengan menggunakan metode<br>pengumpulan data secara observasi lapangan, wawancara dan mengikuti kegiatan lapangan di<br>Perumda Giri Tirta terutama dibidang distribusi. SPAM Regional Umbulan adalah Proyek<br>KPBU. Proyek ini mempunyai ruang lingkup kerjasama yaitu pembangunan intake 4000 lps.<br>Pada sistem pendistribusian air umbulan di kabupaten Gresik ini terdapat 2 reservoir yang<br>berkapasitas 6000 m</span><span class="fontstyle0">3 </span><span class="fontstyle0">yang dialirkan ke Reservoir Giri II dan 1000 m</span><span class="fontstyle0">3 </span><span class="fontstyle0">dialirkan menuju Cabang<br>Kota.</span></p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">Kata kunci: <span class="fontstyle2">Air, Sistem Distribusi, Kehilangan Air</span></span></p> 2023-12-12T08:00:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" PENGARUH WAKTU TERHADAP PENURUNAN BOD, COD, DAN TSS LIMBAH RUMAH MAKAN MENGGUNAKAN BIOFILTER ANAEROB 2023-12-31T03:16:43+00:00 Muhammad Alfian Halim Evy Hendriarianti Hery Setyobudiarso <p>Limbah cair rumah makan atau warung harus dikelola untuk mengurangi <br>pencemaran lingkungan badan air. Pengolahan limbah cair rumah makan dapat dilakukan dengan <br>berbagai cara, salah satunya dengan metode biofilter anaerobik. Pada metode ini, terdapat <br>mikroorganisme yang tumbuh dan berkembang di permukaan suatu media dengan membentuk lapisan <br>biofilm. Proses pengolahan dengan biofilter anaerobik dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yakni waktu <br>detensi dan jenis media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu detensi terhadap <br>penurunan konsentrasi BOD, COD, dan TSS serta kinerja proses pengolahan air limbah rumah makan <br>dengan media bioball. Waktu detensi yang digunakan yaitu 24, 36, dan 48 jam. Metode batch<br>dilakukan pada penelitian ini dengan melakukan seeding dan aklimatisasi selama 18 hari secara <br>keseluruhan sebelum media dikontakkan dengan limbah cair rumah makan. Penelitian menggunakan <br>satu reaktor dengan media bioball dan dilakukan pengambilan sampel sesuai dengan waktu detensi <br>yang ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu detensi mempengaruhi hasil pengolahan <br>yakni semakin lama waktu detensi maka semakin besar penurunan konsentrasi parameter. Hasil <br>efisiensi optimum dicapai pada waktu detensi 48 jam dengan penurunan BOD, COD, dan TSS berturut <br>turut sebesar 77% dari konsentrasi awal 562,9 mg/L, 83% dari konsentrasi awal 878,9 mg/L, dan 73% <br>dari konsentrasi awal 462 mg/L. Hasil penurunan terbaik ketiga parameter masih belum memenuhi <br>baku mutu Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur No. 72 Tahun 2013. Pengolahan limbah cair rumah makan <br>dapat dilakukan dengan kombinasi anaerobik dan aerob agar memaksimalkan penurunan konsentrasi <br>pencemaran.</p> 2023-12-13T04:30:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" PRADESAIN PENGEMBANGAN TEMPAT PEMROSESAN AKHIR REGIONAL TALUMELITO KABUPATEN GORONTALO 2023-12-31T03:19:05+00:00 Wahyu Ksatria Aditama Hadjarati Sudiro Candra Dwiratna Wulandari <p>TPA Regional Talumelito is a final solid waste disposal place that has an operating system<br>using the Sanitary Landfill system which has been in operation since 2012 and has 4 cells to accommodate<br>the waste that enters the TPA. The source of the waste that goes to the TPA Regional Talumelito comes<br>from Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Regency and Bone Bolango Regency. The increasing volume of waste that<br>goes to the landfill causes a reduction in the capacity of the waste storage. The increase in population and<br>percentage of service area coverage and the potential for development land are also the reasons for the<br>need for additional TPA areas in the Talumelito Regional TPA. Therefore, a new cell is needed which aims<br>to help extend the operational life of the TPA in accommodating the volume of waste that enters the<br>Talumelito Regional TPA. After conducting a survey of waste generation in the service area of the<br>Talumelito Regional TPA using the SNI 19-3964-1994 method, a projected volume of waste that enters the<br>Talumelito Regional TPA for the next 10 years is projected to reach 368,966.98 tons. To be able to<br>accommodate the volume of incoming waste for up to 10 years, a landfill area of 1.66 ha is needed. The<br>available land area that can be used for additional cells at the Talumelito Regional TPA site is 5.5 ha.<br><br></p> 2023-12-13T04:41:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH SLUDGE INDUSTRI SUSU SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU KOMPOS DENGAN PENAMBAHAN BIOAKTIVATOR MOL 2023-12-31T01:45:07+00:00 Ragil Suryo Kusumo Hery Setyobudiarso Candra Dwiratna Wulandari <p><strong>ABSTACT</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The dairy industry is increasingly producing waste that is still not properly treated, such as sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Sludge that is left in the open will be a potential source of pollutants. Sludge creates an unpleasant odor and if it is carried into the river, it will increase the level of pollutants in the water.</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the potential use of sludge in the dairy industry as a raw material for compost with a mixture of sawdust and goat dung as a mixture and the addition of MOL as a bioactivator, with a mixture variation of 0.5: 3: 1 and 0.5: 3: 2 with the addition of 500 ml of each variation.</p> <p>The results obtained indicate that the mixture of milk sludge, sawdust and goat manure with variation of 0.5: 3: 1 shows that the C / N ratio after composting is 18.22, these results have met the quality standards of SNI 19-7030-2004 which is equal to 10 - 20, and the variation of 0.5: 3: 1 shows the content of the C / N ratio of 23.45, this result when compared with the quality standard of SNI 19-7030-2004 exceeds the maximum level of the C / N ratio. In general, the composting variation of 0.5: 3: 1 is better than the variation of 0.5: 3: 2</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Keyword: Compost, Dairy Industry Sludge, Sawdust, Goat Manure, SNI 19-7030-2004</strong></p> 2023-12-13T06:10:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" ANALYSIS OF MAPPING PATTERNS OF NOISE DISTRIBUTION DUE TO TRANSPORTATION AT SAIFUL ANWAR HOSPITAL, MALANG CITY 2023-12-31T01:45:26+00:00 Fabian Labdawara Hardianto Evy Hendriarianti <p>ABSTRACT, Public health facilities, one of which is a large hospital, are mostly located in the center of urban activity. The results of the survey conducted, the density of vehicle activity in Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang City comes from private vehicles. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential noise conditions in the Saiful Anwar Hospital area of Malang City from transportation activities..<br>Noise measurement is carried out in accordance with the methods contained in the Decree of the State Minister of the Environment No. Kep.48/MENLH/11/1996. This research was taken at 8 main sample points along Jalan Jasa Agung Suprapto, Jalan Pattimura and Jalan Rear RSU. In addition, data on the average density of vehicles and maps of the Malang City Spatial Plan were also sought.<br>The results showed that the noise level condition in the area around Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang City as a whole was at an average noise level of 75.5 dBA from all main sampling points every day. This condition is above the hospital noise quality standard, which is 45 dBA. The highest noise is at sampling points 1 and 2, namely on Jalan Attorney General Suprapto with a noise value of up to 81.7 dBA, and the calculation of noise reduction from outside the hospital using a noise-canceling building (BPB) which is planned in the form of a glass wall with a sound reduction of 17 dB combined with noise-canceling plant Sebe (Heliconia sp).<br>Keywords: noise, hospital, transportation activity, Malang city, map</p> 2023-12-20T05:54:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" EVALUASI KEBISINGAN AKIBAT AKTIVITAS TRANSPORTASI TERHADAP KENYAMANAN MASYARAKAT (STUDI KASUS JALAN SUNAN KUDUS – JALAN KUDUS JEPARA KM 1 KABUPATEN KUDUS PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH) 2023-12-31T01:45:47+00:00 Wahyu Jati Nursiwi Hery Setyobudiarso Hardianto <p>ABSTRACT: Transportation activities on the main road are unavoidable. One of the impacts<br>that occur from transportation activities is the increase in noise pollution in the form of noise in the<br>area. Noise that is continuously exposed can cause health problems for people around him. The main<br>purpose of the study was to analyze the level of noise generated by vehicle activity as well as analyze<br>the comfort response of the surrounding community to the noise generated. <br>Noise measurement is done by taking three sampling points along Sunan Kudus street –<br>Kudus Jepara Km 1 street Kudus Regency. Analyze the results of noise level measurements using the<br>Sound Level Meter (SLM) tool and adjust the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. Kep.48 /<br>MENLH / 11/1996. <br>The average level of Day and Night (LSM) noise level averaged 86.9 dB(A). This exceeds the<br>standard value of noise levels that have been set for residential areas and settlements that are very<br>unnatural with a tolerance value of 3 dB(A) stated in the Decree of the Minister of Environment<br>Number: 48MENLH/11/1996 which is 55 dB(A). There is a response from residents who feel<br>disturbed when communicating, at rest, and disrupt the productivity of the community around the<br>road. This becomes a benchmark for people to feel less comfortable with the noise that occurs due to<br>transportation activities on Sunan Kudus Street – Kudus Jepara Km 1 Street Kudus Regency.</p> 2023-12-20T06:00:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO" PENGGUNAAN BIOSAND FILTER MEDIA AMPAS TAHU DALAM MENURUNKAN KONSENTRASI COD DAN TSS PADA LIMBAH CAIR TAHU “PABRIK TAHU PAK MUL” DI KECAMATAN SUKUN KOTA MALANG 2023-12-31T01:46:06+00:00 Rahmawati Muharam Sudiro Candra Dwi Ratna W <p>Abstract, Tofu waste water is waste obtained from the tofu production process in the form of liquid.<br>The tofu waste generated from the home industry "Pak Mul Tofu Factory" is in solid form in the form of<br>dregs which is the dirt from soybean cleaning, while the liquid waste produced is in the form of soaking<br>water, and turbid liquid waste. which is yellow-gray which if left unchecked will turn black and cause a<br>foul odor. The wastewater produced has COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) content of 8740 mg/l and a TSS<br>(Total Suspended Solid) concentration of 477.7 mg/l. Therefore, treatment efforts are needed before waste<br>water is discharged into water bodies in order to overcome environmental problems caused by tofu waste<br>water. <br>In this research, the processing used is biosand filter processing using tofu dregs media, fine sand,<br>coarse sand and gravel. This study aims to determine the ability of the tofu dregs biosand filter as an<br>additional medium in reducing the concentration of COD and TSS in tofu wastewater. The variable used<br>in this study is the thickness of the different media in each reactor.<br>The results showed that the treatment of tofu waste water using a biosand filter media tofu waste was able to reduce the concentration of COD and TSS with decreasing efficiency in reactor 1 with the<br>composition of tofu dregs activated charcoal media, fine sand, coarse sand and gravel (10:40:20:10) cm<br>are 87.44% and 79.26%, respectively. In reactor 2 with the composition of tofu dregs activated charcoal<br>media, fine sand, coarse sand and gravel (20:10:30:2 0) cm, the efficiency values for reducing COD and<br>TSS concentrations were 87.44% and 79.26%, respectively. and 90.04%.</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mahasiswa "ENVIRO"