International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology <p><strong>International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology</strong><br>IJCOMIT is a journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering published by the Computer Science Department, Malang National Institute of Technology, Indonesia, this journal aims to accommodate research articles in the field of Computer Science and Informatics which include programming, interfacing, artificial intelligence, computer networks, cloud technology , embedded systems, image processing, databases, e-commerce, decision-making systems, as well as other fields relevant to Information Technology to publish scientific works in a wide audience.<br>e-ISSN : -<br><strong>Subjects:</strong> Computer Science &amp; Information Technology</p> en-US (Joseph Dedy Irawan) (Deddy Rudhistiar) Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 QUALITY CONTROL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN: FRAMEWORK-BASED OF SIPRIMA MOBILE APPLICATION <p>Nowadays, technological developments have a profound impact on all areas of human life. We as humans cannot avoid the influence of the evolution of the times, as well as with the business world. The use of technology in the world of business has a tremendous positive influence, so PT Prima Teknikindo Raya created an application called SiPrima. The Siprima application is an application that serves as a recording and management system for PT Prima Tekindo Raya. This application was created to solve the problems that are owned by PT Prima Technikindo Raya, which is the recording system that is still manual and is considered quite difficult, therefore it was created an app called SiPrimima which can help solve problems experienced by the PT Prima Techindo Raya based on Android to make it easier to work [1] to be able to avoid the influence of the development of the times, as well as with the business world. The use of technology in the world of business has an extraordinary positive influence, so the company PT.Prima TeknikIndo Raya created an application called “SiPrima”. The application SiPrima is an application that functions as a quality control management system of production quality of products within the company. The application was developed to address the issue of the management of the quality control system's ineffectiveness and efficiency in controlling production quality. Therefore, it was created a Siprima application that can help solve problems experienced by the Company</p> Yans Fithratul I., Erlangga Lesmana Putra, Fitri Dwi Fadilah, Megawati Putri Martinez, Kevin Igor Ibnu Listanto, Mochammad Rifki Ulil Albaab Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MATERIAL INVENTORY INFORMATION SYSTEM AT UD. ALAM RAYA WEB-BASED USING THE WATERFALL METHOD <p>UD. Alam Raya is a trading business engaged in the sale of building materials. UD. Alam Raya provides various types of building materials such as wood, nails, cement, iron, electrical tools, pipes, glue, and other building materials. In processing inventory and finances are still not computerized. Recording of sales transactions and purchases of goods is still done manually on notes and large sheets of paper grouped by transaction date. Recording on paper media is less effective because when the paper is exposed to water, the writing on it also fades, hindering the process of making financial reports. Based on these problems, a computerized building material inventory information system is needed in order to facilitate sales and purchase data processing as well as financial reports at UD. universe. This study uses qualitative research methods and the waterfall software development method, as well as the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language using the CodeIgniter framework. This research succeeded in designing and creating a building material inventory information system at UD. universe. The benefit of this building material inventory information system is that it makes it easier to make purchase reports, sales reports, and financial reports at UD. universe</p> Yudi Mulyanto, Eri Sasmita Susanto, Arsyah Kumalasari Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 VEHICLE VOLUME FORECASTING SYSTEM ON TOLL ROADS USING DOUBLE MOVING AVERAGE AND DOUBLE EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING METHODS <p>Forecasting or forecasting has been used as one of the considerations, especially in the field of business and economics. This is done so that company losses can be minimized and company profits can be maximized. Therefore we need a system that can make it easier to get accurate forecasting results. However, in real cases procurement of IT consultants requires quite expensive costs. So the research provides a solution to design a website-based vehicle volume forecasting system on toll roads conducted at PT. Jasamarga Pandaan Tol. This system is expected to facilitate the Traffic Collection team in projecting the volume of vehicles on toll roads in the future. The method used in forecasting vehicle volume is the Double Moving Average and Double Exponential Smoothing methods. The Double Moving Average method is a time series method where the results of this method are influenced by the order or time period. The Exponential Smoothing method is a time series method where the results of this method are influenced by the alpha parameter. The results of these two methods will be compared based on the accuracy of the data so that the user can easily see the results of forecasting vehicle volume in the future. Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is the absolute (absolute) average percentage error. Definition of Mean Absolute Percentage Error is a statistical measurement of the accuracy of estimates (predictions) in forecasting methods. The results of the accuracy of applying the Double Moving Average method give an average MAPE value of 30,124% and the Double Exponential Smoothing method gives an average MAPE value of 5,368%.</p> Mesach Habel Wiyono Pranataningtyas, Yosep Agus Pranoto, Deddy Rudhistiar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGN OF LABM2M PLATFORM AS IOT (INTERNET OF THINGS) GATEWAY USING WEB SERVICE <p>The creation of a platform is one of the advancements in technology and the internet which refers to industrial 4.0, to implement industrial 4.0 one of the main supporting factors is the availability of digital infrastructure. One of them is the internet of things (IoT). IoT itself refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, household appliances, and other items that are embedded with electronic devices, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity that make it possible to connect to the internet network and collect and exchange data. However, IoT devices have certain limitations on their storage loads and computing power. Storage refers to how and where data will be stored, while computing power refers to processing power, memory, network, and is processed in such a way that it is displayed to end users and has the ability to transfer data over the network without requiring human-to-human (P2P) interaction. or human to computer (P2M). Judging from the existing limitations, there is a way out, namely by using PaaS (platform as a service) which utilizes web services as the main foundation of this IoT Gateway. Where end users can integrate IoT projects that are being developed easily and quickly without thinking about the storage load and computing power limitations. To find out the performance of the system created, an analysis is carried out by monitoring simultaneously and using different devices. And the system is able to handle every request and response from the client.</p> Ahmada Itmamunnafi, Suryo Adi Wibowo, Nurlaily Vendyansyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGN OF A TRAFFIC RATE PRIORITY NETWORK CONNECTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON A COMPUTER NETWORK <p>The practicum laboratory is one of the university facilities that accompany your studies, where students can practice their understanding of learning concepts through tests or practical exercises. In this sense the role of the laboratory is very important because the laboratory is a center for teaching and learning, where lectures are used for experiments, research or research. For this reason, in order to expedite the teaching and learning process, adequate facilities are needed in the laboratory, one of which is the Network. However, there are a number of problems that occur where when students download, zoom browsing activity becomes slow. Of course this will make the teaching and learning process less efficient. Based on the problems above, the author wants to conduct research by providing different bandwidth allocations and managing user bandwidth based on priority. The mangle method is used to mark data packets based on port, protocol, src and etc. addresses, and the simple queue method is used to set the amount of bandwidth and priority for each user. From the results of functional testing or research, it can be concluded that the results of applying the mangle method are used to mark a packet that will be restricted based on the configured dst port and the Simple Queue method as a determinant for setting the priority given to each user so that when the user uses zoom access, global, games and others can use the internet network smoothly without internet interference because traffic rate priority and bandwidth management has been carried out.</p> Hafid Zulkarnain, Joseph Dedy Irawan, Renaldi Primaswara Prasetya Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF ANDROID-BASED AUGMENTED REALITY LEARNING MEDIA ON THE INTRODUCTION OF GEOMETRY MATERIAL FOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS <p>This research aims to develop an application that can help kindergarten students in understanding space buildings in the introduction of Geometry subject. Research and development of the application used Research and Development (R&amp;D) method that aim to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. The product was developed using the ADDIE Process model method. The ADDIE software development model has five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This geometry learning media application using Unity 3D was tested through the Black Box Testing method and questionnaire testing. This learning application can help teachers in teaching the material of geometry through media applications to contribute a more interactive learning process.</p> Taufik Rachman, Hilal Istafaina Awab Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Sun, 28 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000