Perencanaan Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih Desa Ngebel Kecamatan Ngebel Kabupaten Ponorogo

  • Ridwan Nur Arifianto Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang


In line with the population growth which continues to increase, it results in an increase in demand for water
needs. Likewise, in Ngebel Village, the demand for clean water continues to increase, but there are still many
residents who have not been served by clean water distribution pipelines, so that residents who have not been
served have difficulty getting clean water. This study aims to obtain the amount of clean water demand in the
Ngebel Village area for the next 20 years and to obtain the best clean water distribution network plan (smallest
pipe diameter) from a review of water pressure and velocity with the help of the WaterCAD V8i program. The
population projection results in 2040 use the geometric method of 3,861 people, the total need for clean water at
the maximum hour is 5.08 litters / second, hydraulic analysis on distribution pipelines uses pressure, velocity,
and head loss gradient controls based on PUPR Minister Regulation No: 27 Years 2016. Hydraulic simulation of
piping using the WaterCAD V8i program, and choosing the Hazen-William formula, and making a comparison
of pipe diameters based on the three alternatives available, alternative 2 is the best, because it has the smallest
value with a pressure of 3 - 7.1 atm, velocity 0.10 - 0.74 m / sec, and a head loss gradient of 0.24 - 11.49 m /
km. The pipe that is selected is the type of PVC with a diameter of 1.5 inches, 2 inches, and 2.5 inches.


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How to Cite
Nur ArifiantoR. (2021). Perencanaan Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih Desa Ngebel Kecamatan Ngebel Kabupaten Ponorogo. STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR, 2(2), 231-241. Retrieved from