Di Proyek Pembangunan Villa Batu Malang

  • Nadela Visti Tifrizi Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Togi H. Nainggolan Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Maranatha Wijayaningtyas Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang


The implementation of the construction projects needs to be considered the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), which is one of the efforts in the prevention of work accidents in the work environment. One of the main causative factors of work accidents is the human factor, environmental factors and equipment factors. One of the human factors is fatigue. Therefore, this study aims to find out the relationship between the results of exhaustion of construction workers using subjective and objective measurements. 

Subjective feelings of fatique are taken by distributing questionnaires, using fatigue measurement methods issued by the Intrenational Fatigue Research Committe (IFRC) or Subjective Self Rating Test (SSRT). Objective fatigue measurement is carried out by measuring the pulse of workers. After the data collected, data analysis from all respondents to find out the relationship between subjective and objective fatigue by using normality test as a test of normality of data distribution and correlation of moment person to find relationship of two variables with data both variables interval scale or ratio.

Pearson correlation test results between objective fatigue and subjective fatigue obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.111 and significance of 0.860 (p > 0.05). Both grades showed that there was a positive correlation but the relationship between objective and subjective fatigue was insignificant, meaning that the higher the objective fatigue would not significantly affect the higher subjective fatigue. With increasing objective fatigue does not significantly affect the increase of subjective fatigue.


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How to Cite
TifriziN. V., NainggolanT. H., & WijayaningtyasM. (2021). ANALISIS KELELAHAN PEKERJA KONSTRUKSI PADA PELAKSANAAN KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN (K3): Di Proyek Pembangunan Villa Batu Malang. STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR, 3(1), 61-67. Retrieved from