Studi Kasus : Lapisan ATB (Asphalt Treated Base) Terhadap Karakteristik Marhall

  • Reynaldi Sutrisno Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang


Pavement is part of the road in the form of a mixture of aggregates, binders and fillers. The composition of the asphalt pavement mixture material affects the quality of the mixture. This study utilizes concrete waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate in the ATB mixture, due to the lack of utilization of concrete waste. Concrete waste used in this study comes from the Construction Materials Laboratory, State University of Malang. This study aims to determine the feasibility of concrete waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate 10/10 in the ATB mixture in terms of Marshall characteristics. Then make 27 test objects followed by testing using the Marshall Test method in the construction materials laboratory of Civil Engineering, Malang National Institute of Technology. From the results of the research conducted, it is obtained: Concrete waste aggregate originating from the Construction Materials Laboratory, State University of Malang has met the specifications and is suitable for use as a mixture of road pavements. The use of concrete waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate 10/10 on the ATB layer has an effect or gives a significant difference. This can be seen from the results of hypothesis testing, where Fcount> Ftable. The stability value at 0% concrete waste content was 1048.56 kg and at 100% concrete waste content was 842.41 kg. The expected characteristic values ​​in the mixture meet the limits set by the 2018 Highways Agency such as the value of stability, flow.


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How to Cite
SutrisnoR. (2023). PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH BETON SEBAGAI PENGGANTI AGREGAT KASAR 10/10: Studi Kasus : Lapisan ATB (Asphalt Treated Base) Terhadap Karakteristik Marhall. STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR, 3(2), 10-16. Retrieved from