Studi kasus : Simpang Ki Ageng Gribig Dan Jalan Danau Jonge

  • Marselus dwi johir putra taek Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Nusa Sebayang Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • annur ma'ruf Teknik Sipil S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang


The intersection of Jalan Ki ageng Gribig - Jalan Danau Jonge is one of the intersections affected by the access to the Sawojajar toll gate in Malang City. This study analyzes the effect of having access to the Sawojajar Toll Gate in Malang City on the performance of the Ki Ageng Gribig and Danau Jonge intersections. The analysis was carried out by comparing the performance of the Ki Ageng Gribig intersection and Jalan Danau Jonge conditions before and after the operation of toll gate access. The results of the analysis before the exit tola obtained the maximum delay value of 33.72 sec/kend, the queue length value of 240.54 m and the maximum degree of saturation value of 1.59. And after the operation of the Sawojajar toll gate access, at the intersection there is a change, namely to four arms and widening on each arm so that the maximum delay value is 46.29 sec/kend, queue length is 66.34 m, and the maximum degree of saturation is on all approaches occurred on Monday in the western approach the value of 0.98. This result does not meet the requirements so that improvements are made to the intersection, with a geometric widening of 3 meters each on each intersection approach. The performance of this intersection with road widening obtained the highest delay of 24.601 sec/vehicle, the maximum queue length of 34.30 m and the value of the maximum degree of saturation on all approaches occurred on the western approach, the highest of which was 0.56 0.85, and met the requirements with service level C.


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How to Cite
johir putra taekM. dwi, SebayangN., & ma’ruf annur. (2023). KAJIAN PENGARUH ARUS LALU LINTAS EXIT TOL SAWOJAJAR : Studi kasus : Simpang Ki Ageng Gribig Dan Jalan Danau Jonge. STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR, 4(2), 58-71. Retrieved from https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/gelagar/article/view/4579