STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR 2024-02-05T22:54:05+00:00 Hadi Surya W. S. Open Journal Systems <p>Student Joural Gelagar merupakan<em> e-journal </em>yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Sipil S-1 ITN Malang untuk menyebarluaskan informasi hasil - hasil penelitian mahasiswa dalam bidang Teknik Sipil dengan Sub bidang Struktur, Geoteknik, Transportasi, Manajemen Konstruksi, Sumber Daya Air dan Sistem Informasi Geografis.</p> <p>Diterbitkan secara berkala yakni 2 kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober.</p> Traffic Impact Analysis Result The Construction of PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Exclusive Airport Using the PTV Vissim Software 2023-06-13T00:57:05+00:00 Fera Fitri Salsabila <p>Development of Special Airport PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) is included in land use change, both category and intensity changes which result in generation and attraction so that it can affect the surrounding traffic. PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara is an Indonesian mining company that operates the Batu Hijau mine in the West Sumbawa Regency area with natural resources in the form of copper and gold. The Traffic Impact Analysis Study aims to minimize the impact of infrastructure by providing recommendations for countermeasures so that the performance of sections around the construction site can be maintained. The trip generation and attraction that occurred during the construction period was 132 pcu/hour. The trip generation that arises during operation is 65 pcu/hour. Changes in traffic performance during construction and operation for the next 5 years are not significant and are still in the category of level of service A. The recommendations made are traffic engineering management and road widening recommendations.</p> 2023-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR UJI IMPACT PANEL DINDING EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE DENGAN KALSIUM SILIKAT DAN PENYAMBUNG GESER BAUT 2023-07-31T09:23:03+00:00 bella zakina Zainuddin Zainuddin <p><em>The development of the construction system is very fast. This can be seen from the need to accelerate the provision of housing. So the government tried a new innovative construction system using expanded polystyrene (EPS) concrete sandwiches. This concrete is used as wall construction. EPS lightweight concrete panels have a relatively light weight which is one of the requirements for an earthquake-resistant house. To increase the bearing capacity of the EPS lightweight concrete panel wall into a structural wall or bearing wall, the alternative is to use additional reinforcement layers. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact resistance of EPS lightweight concrete panels with variations in calcium silicate layer reinforcement and without calcium silicate layer reinforcement. The wall panel material is obtained from precast. The size of the EPS lightweight concrete panel is 1800 mm x 610 mm x 75 mm, this test refers to SNI 03-3122-1992. There are 3 variations of EPS lightweight concrete panels, namely unreinforced EPS lightweight concrete panels (PPL), calcium silicate layer reinforcement (PPK) and calcium silicate layer reinforcement and bolt shear connectors (PBK). The type of board used is calcium silicate board. The results showed that the average density of polystyrene concrete panels was 612.57 kg/m3, the average elastic modulus was 942.37 MPa, the potential energy (Ep) was 132.435 joules and the average water absorption capacity was 12.11%. The results of the impact resistance test cannot maintain its rigidity when it gets a shock load of 27 kg.</em></p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR STUDI ALTERNATIF PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR ATAS HOTEL SHAFIRA SURABAYA DENGAN SISTEM GANDA RANGKA PEMIKUL MOMEN DAN DINDING STRUKTURAL 2024-02-05T22:45:55+00:00 Wahyu Bangkit Pangestuaji Ester Priskasari Hadi Surya Wibawanto Sunarwadi <p>Perencanaan struktur tahan gempa di Indonesia sangat berarti. Surabaya ialah wilayah rawan gempa sehingga dalam merancang struktur wajib mencermati aspek gempa di wilayah tersebut. Dengan keadaan Indonesia yang rawan gempa, hingga butuh terdapatnya keahlian buat mengatasinya. Penulis berupaya buat merancang kembali sistem struktur pada gedung Hotel Shafira Surabaya 9 lantai dengan sistem ganda. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan balok( B1) ukuran 40/ 70 bentang 8, 6 m diperoleh tulangan longitudinal tumpuan: atas 6D22, dasar 5D22 serta samping 4D19. Tulangan lapangan: atas 3D22, dasar 4D22 serta samping 4D19. Tulangan geser wilayah sendi plastis: 2D13- 100 serta wilayah luar sendi plastis: 2D13- 200. Kolom( K1) dengan ukuran 70/ 70 jumlah tulangan 16D22. Tulangan geser wilayah sendi plastis: 4D13- 100, tulangan geser wilayah luar sendi plastis: 4D13- 130, serta wilayah sambungan lewatan: 4D13- 100. Kontrol desain kapasitasΣMnc≥ 1, 2ΣMnb dengan nilai 2954, 596 kNm≥ 1484, 659 kNm, persyaratan“ Strong Column Weak Beam” terpenuhi. Penulangan pengekang vertikal HBK lumayan memakai longitudinal kolom 16D22, penulangan pengekang horizontal 4D13- 4 lapis. Bilik struktural ukuran 300x4000 dengan elemen batasan sepanjang 850 milimeter dari serat tekan terluar, tulangan transversal elemen batasan dipasang 6D13- 100. Tulangan longitudinal total bilik ialah 72D22. Tulangan transversal tubuh bilik arah X wilayah sendi plastis 2D13- 100, luar sendi plastis 2D13- 120, sambungan lewatan 2D13- 100. Tulangan transversal tubuh bilik arah Y wilayah sendi plastis 8D13- 100, luar sendi plastis 8D13- 120, sambungan lewatan 8D13- 100.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR Studi Alternatif Perencanaan Struktur Atas 2024-02-05T22:54:05+00:00 Hardian Yudha Prakosa Bambang Wedyantadji Hadi Surya Wibawanto Sunarwadi <p>Central Java is an earthquake-prone area which surrounded by few active fault, Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) recorded in period January-July 2020 there is 138 Tectonic Earthquakes that happened in Central Java from small to moderate Intensity, In this building planning writer using Composite Beam and Encased Column as an Alternative design for earthquake resistant structure planning, the building is designed to have 12 levels, 36.8 meters long, 24 meters width, also 45 meters height, in this structural design the planning consists Primary Beam, Secondary Beam, Column, Primary-Secondary beam connection, secondary-secondary Beam Connection, Column-Beam Connection, Column-Column Connection, and Base Plate. The results of planning calculations are obtained dimension size and planning draw of Indosat Semarang Office building which is planned using wide flange steel WF 500 x 300 x 16 x 22 for Primary beam, WF 450 x 200 x 9 x 14 for secondary beam, WF 700 x 500 x 35 x 45 coated by 900 x 900 mm concrete for column, and for base plate is using 1000 mm x 800 mm with 65 mm thickness</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR