IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts en-US IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) CORRELATION BETWEEN SOCIAL NETWORKING USAGE AND WRITING PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY ON INFORMATICS ENGINEERING STUDENTS IN ITN MALANG https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts/article/view/71 <p>The massive development of digital technology has lead to immense usage of social networking all over the world. Recent years, many studies have been conducted over the impact of social networking towards students’ academic performance in many competencies, most of which indicated negative impact. Therefore, this study aims at knowing the relationship of social networking usage and writing performance of Informatics Engineering Students who tend to have more exposure to internet and social networking sites in National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang as a case study. The study sampled 70 Informatics Engineering students by using questionnaires and writing test assessment using Oshima and Hogue’s scoring rubric. The result indicates that the students’ length of time used for accesing social networking sites has no correlation with their English writing performance.</p> Tutut Nani Prihatmi Copyright (c) 2017 IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) 2017-11-15 2017-11-15 1 2 1 5 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) MODEL IN INDONESIA https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts/article/view/73 <p>Corporate Social Responsibility is an action or a commitment performed by a company as a responsibility towards the environment that the company is located in. This responsibility comprises of social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Corporate Social Responsibility attempts to contribute positive impacts or benefits to the society and its environment. The company and the society are not two separate entities that serve to exploit each other. Therefore, a company is expected to increase its awareness. Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia is regulated in PP No. 47, Year 2012 Article 4, Section 1 which states that “Social and environmental responsibilities are executed by the directors based on the company’s annual work plan after receiving approval from the board of commissioners or RUPS in accordance with the company constitution, unless determined otherwise in the legislation”. There are different forms of Corporate Social Responsibility, from educating the importance of healthy living, free education, to empowering society. Corporate Social Responsibility becomes a path for companies to create awareness towards social responsibility in order to protect market share, shareholders, and the company’s sustainability for the future. A sustainable success of Corporate Social Responsibility’s programs highly depends on both the program providers’ and receivers’ commitment.</p> Noor Shodiq Askandar Masyhuri Machfudz Junaidi Junaidi Copyright (c) 2017 IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) 2017-11-15 2017-11-15 1 2 6 9 SECONDARY METABOLITE AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SOURSOP (ANNONA MONTANA) FRUIT EXTRACT https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts/article/view/74 <p>Soursop (Annona montana) is one of the plants that can be used as an antioxidant because it contains terpenoid. Antioxidants are responsible for neutralizing the increase of free radicals. The purpose of this research is to determine the secondary metabolite and antioxidant activity using the DPPH free radicals. This research was included as a descriptive research, which was conducted in the Pharmacognosy Laboratory of Academy of Pharmacy Putra Indonesia Malang. The research stages include the collection of materials, determination of plant, extraction with the maceration method for 5 days using ethanol 70%, qualitative testing of secondary metabolite compounds, testing of antioxidant activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The DPPH solution concentration is 100.9 ppm, while the sample concentrations are 60 ppm, 70 ppm, 80 ppm, 90 ppm, and 100 ppm dissolved with ethanol pa and replicated for 3 times. All the solutions were measured their absorbance using the UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 515 nm of wavelength. The finding shows that the secondary metabolite of terpenoid was found on the soursop fruit extract. Also, the IC<sub>50</sub> value of 61 ppm was obtained. It can be concluded that the soursop fruit sample of 61 ppm can reduce the free radical level by 50% so it is categorized as a strong antioxidant.</p> Ambar Fidyasari Septi Wulandari Meiria Istiana Sari Copyright (c) 2017 IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) 2017-11-15 2017-11-15 1 2 10 15 A STUDY ON THE UTILIZATION OF RED BRICK WASTE AS FILLER ON ASPHALT CONCRETE AC-WC https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts/article/view/75 <p>Asphalt concrete is a type of road pavement that consists of coarse aggregate, medium aggregate, fine aggregate, asphalt, and filler. This research utilizes red brick waste from the demolition remains of unused construction building as filler with a maximum grain size of 0.074 mm. The purpose of this research is to discover the effect of red brick waste as filler towards asphalt concrete density and Marshall test parameter result. The method used in this research is an experimental study of AC-WC asphalt concrete using filler made of red bricks. Based on density test and Marshall test with immersion time between 30 minutes to 24 hours, the result shows that density value experiences an increase from 2.344 to 2.441, while VMA value experiences a decrease from 17.692 to 17.369, VFA value experiences an increase from 77.567 to 79.330, VIM value experiences a decrease from 3.652 to 3.576, stability value experiences a decrease from 1093.220 to 1002.763, flow value experiences a decrease from 4.467 to 3.800 and Marshall quotient experiences an increase from 244.720 to 265.863. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the value obtained is still above the AC-WC asphalt specification minimum value. Therefore, red bricks can be used as filler for AC-WC asphalt concrete mixture.</p> Mohammad Erfan Shidqul Aziz Hadi Surya Copyright (c) 2017 IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) 2017-11-15 2017-11-15 1 2 16 19 POTENTIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF INTEGRATED WASTE TREATMENT SITE MANAGEMENT IN MALANG DISTRICT https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts/article/view/76 <p>: Integrated Waste Management (TPST) should consider new paradigm in waste reduction and handling. This research proposes the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) at a sustainable TPST, with the objective of analyzing the potential of technical waste recycling, analyzing environmental impact of waste recycling, and sustainable waste recycling scenario. The research conducted is to analyze the generation, composition, and characteristics of waste and secondary data that support. Based on the analysis data created scenarios in accordance with the condition of waste and its potential. The method to be used to assess the environmental impact is the LCA with Eco-Indicator analysis. Comparison of the size of the environmental impact assessment based on the SimaPro software program 8.3. The result of the data processing will be identified the part of the process causing the smallest environmental impact, so the scenario will be chosen to reduce the impact based on the LCA result. Environmental losses are divided into losses to human health, loss of ecosystem quality and resource loss. The results of the analysis show that the magnitude of the impact of each scenario, then the existing scenario produces the smallest environmental impact for all impact categories.</p> Hardianto Hardianto Anis Artiyani Felinda Mahdalena Sukma Bintang Harianto I Nyoman Sudiasa Copyright (c) 2017 IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) 2017-11-15 2017-11-15 1 2 20 26 SCADA SYSTEM FOR MONITORING AND CONTROLLING ENERGY IN SMARTHOME WITH HYBRID WIND-SOLAR POWER PLANT https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/ijts/article/view/77 <p>This paper presents the development of a SCADA system to monitor and control the energy in a smarthome.&nbsp; In the system, the renewable energy resources consist of the PV generator and the wind power generator are connected to grid. The Winlog SCADA software is employed to develop the SCADA system. The remote devices consist of the power meter to measure the load power, the charge controller to charge the battery from the PV and the wind power generator, and the load control to switch on/off the load. To connect the master control and the remote devices, the RS-485 serial communication is adopted. While the Modbus protocol is employed to communicate the Winlog SCADA and the remote devices. The experimental results show that the developed system is able to perform the SCADA task properly under the different types of the remote devices.</p> Aryuanto Soetedjo Yusuf Ismail Nakhoda Makbul Anwari Singgih Pambudi Subiyanto Copyright (c) 2017 IJTS (International Journal Of Technology And Sciences) 2017-12-15 2017-12-15 1 2 27 33