(Studi kasus : kaki simpang jl. s. supriadi - jl. raya kepuh - jl. klayatan iii

  • Gusdiman Irwanto Gali Amas Teknik Sipil S1, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Nusa Sebayang Teknik Sipil S1, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Annur Ma'ruf Teknik Sipil S1, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
Keywords: traffic jam, intersection performance, APILL, traffic jam


One of the intersections with high traffic volume and density is the intersection of Jl. S. Supriadi - Jl. Raya Kepuh - Jl. Klayatan III, Malang City. The location of this intersection is close to the Kanjuruhan University campus so that it has complex traffic and a high level of traffic density. The condition of the intersection at peak hours there is a long queue at the leg of the intersection, for this reason this study evaluates the performance of the intersection and makes efforts to improve the intersection performance.

The location of the survey is at the intersection of three Jl. S. Supriadi - Jl. Raya Kepuh - Jl. Klayatan III, Malang City. The analysis was carried out on the degree of saturation, queue length and delay. As the basis for analysis, the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI) are used. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from the results of a survey conducted for 3 days, namely Saturday, March 7 2020, Monday, March 9, 2020 and Wednesday, March 11, 2020 in the form of traffic volume and road geometrics.

The results of the analysis show that, the intersection has no signal Jl. S. Supriadi - Jl. Raya Kepuh - Jl. Klayatan III Malang City, which is currently an intersection with no signal, gives poor performance, namely service level F, queue length, 362.105 m and average delay (-3,123). The results of the evaluation show that the intersection has met the requirements for installing traffic control lights. The Traffic Signaling Tool (APIL) is planned to use 2 phases and to widen the geometric road by 50cm on the left and 50cm on the right side of Jl. S. Supriadi and Jl. Raya Kepuh. This recommended solution obtained the value of the degree of saturation (DJ) = 0.491 to 0.798, the maximum average delay of 10.857 s / vehicle with service level B and the maximum queue length of 105.691 m.


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How to Cite
Gali AmasG. I., SebayangN., & Ma’rufA. (2021). EVALUASI KARAKTERISTIK LALU LINTAS PADA SIMPANG TAK BERSINYAL : (Studi kasus : kaki simpang jl. s. supriadi - jl. raya kepuh - jl. klayatan iii. STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR, 2(2), 114-122. Retrieved from https://ejournal.itn.ac.id/index.php/gelagar/article/view/2935