studi kasus : kecamatan tegalsiwalan, kabupaten probolinggo

  • Anugrah Agus Tanto Laksono Teknik Sipil S-1 Institut Teknologi Malang
  • Kustamar Teknik Sipil S-1, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • sriliani surbakti Teknik Sipil S-1, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
Keywords: Clean Water, HIPPAM, Paras


The provision of clean water in several areas in Indonesia is still very minimal and some are even unfit for consumption. Paras Village is a village located in Tegalsiwalan District, Probolinggo Regency which consists of seven hamlets including the hamlets of krajan, darungan wetan, darungan kulon, rabe'en, brige'en, plasa'an, porridge and plampe'an. Prasa village also has clean water supply and is managed by the surrounding community which is also called HIPPAM (Drinking Water User Population Association) but not all hamlets can have clean water because of the emergence of several existing problems such as damage to the distribution network in this case, namely leakage, lack of capacity. or the volume of reservoirs and pumping machines that have the power and volume in accordance with the needs and the service to consumers is still not optimal. Distribution network is the arrangement of piping from reservoirs to consumers consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary pipes that distribute clean water needs to customers, social facilities and others evenly and continuously with good quality and quantity. Based on the existing condition of the Tirta Dewi Paras Nun Ayu HIPPAM which is managed by the community in the village itself, it takes raw water from the springs in the village which is then pumped to reservoirs and finally distributed to customers. However, with population growth that continues to grow and the network continues to be expanded to the next village, the water flow to customers is less than optimal, this is due to inadequate reservoir capacity and inadequate pumping capabilities. So it is necessary to plan for the development of a clean water distribution network in Tegalsiwalan District until 2030, it is necessary to increase the water supply by 3.54 lt/sec to meet the need for clean water and it is necessary to increase the reservoir capacity of 170 m3 to meet peak hours of 13.54 l /sec.


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How to Cite
Agus Tanto LaksonoA., Kustamar, & surbakti sriliani. (2023). PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH KECAMATAN TEGALSIWALAN, KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO : studi kasus : kecamatan tegalsiwalan, kabupaten probolinggo. STUDENT JOURNAL GELAGAR, 3(2), 47-54. Retrieved from